In the United States, there are 36 million falls reported among older adults annually. These falls are cited as the cause of death for more than 32,000 Americans annually. Although falls may seem like they would yield minor injuries, as the body ages it becomes increasingly fragile. Falls are a major source of injuries amongst the elderly. If you are charged with caring for your parents, learn how to evade these instances and best accommodate your loved ones. Keep reading to learn more about the dangers of falls and how to reduce fall-related injuries.

Stay Healthy

As your parents age, you should encourage them to engage in regular conversations with their doctors about their diet, suggested exercise routine, and medication management. By improving their overall health they can work to reduce the chances of falling.

Maintain a Healthful Diet

By implementing healthy lifestyle choices and promoting a healthful diet you can help maintain your parents health. A diet which is rich in vitamin D will help strengthen you parent’s bones and muscles to reduce their chances of falling.

Keep Moving

A body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest stays at rest. Newton’s Law of motion reign true even for adults. As people age it may be more comfortable to rest and spend their days relaxing, however, this can actually put them at risk.

By encouraging your parents to stay active you can work to make their legs stronger and improve their balance. This makes them less susceptible to injury and will prevent falls.

Implement Home Modifications

By modifying your home you can minimize your parent’s risk of falling. Although you could undergo a total home remodel to best accommodate your parent’s limited mobility there are also simple home modifications you can make.

Illuminate the Home

Keeping your home illuminated can help reduce the amount of falls in your home. You can help brighten your living space by adding night lights and putting lamps within reach. By lighting up your home you can prevent tripping on objects that are hard to see.

Reduce Clutter

Having clutter scattered around a home can be a major tripping hazard. In an effort to be a hospitable host and reduce the risk of falling you should strive to cut back on clutter and keep walkways clear.

Rearrange Furniture

Rearranging furniture is a simple way to keep your loved ones safe and help them move around. Changing a room’s layout can help clear any obstructions such as cords and create a clear path for a walker or wheelchair to pass through.

When you look to restructure your room you should take the time to identify potential hazards and then rectify them. By doing this you can tuck away wires from appliances with cable clips and prevent a fall.

Add Nonslip

Even flat surfaces can be extremely dangerous when wet. By adding nonslip mats to slick surfaces like the bathroom, kitchen and front entryway you can help prevent slips. Anti-slip mats help build traction and trap moisture.

As an added bonus, anti-slip mats can help add an extra layer of comfort and protection to your floors. Nonslip surfaces are easy to wipe down and are extremely low maintenance.

Update Kitchen

The kitchen is often marked as a location of increased risk. Being able to cook is often a sign of independence amongst older adults. However even though the kitchen signals freedom it is also fully stocked with toxic cleaning products, knives, and other dangerous tools.

From bending over to unloading the dishwasher to opening and closing the oven, the kitchen is full of hazards for the elderly. In order to reduce the chances of injury, you can work to make sure that all heavy objects are within reach and add non-slip mats where food is typically prepared.

Install Ramps, Rails and Stairlifts

Safety devices such as grab bars and ramps are essential for helping the elderly navigate stairs, get on and off the toilet, and move around without injury.

If you can enlist a handyman to add these amenities you can make your home more handicap accessible. If these installation efforts seem too difficult, you may want to consider the Royal Garden Board and Care Homes.


Old age can severely limit mobility and place a lot of stress on the body’s joints. Ramps can serve as a safer alternative to stairs. They help reduce some of this stress is to replace steps with ramps.


Handrails help to provide support while moving up a ramp or around a bathroom. If you are bringing your parents into your home, it is important to get handrails installed on both sides of the stairs and around the bathtub.


Stairlifts are designed for people with walkers or other walking devices. By installing a stairlift you can help your parents use their assistive devices both upstairs and down.

Have an Action Plan

In the event of a fall, you need to have a plan of immediate action in place. By setting up this action plan you can remain calm in the case of an accident.

Make it easier to call for help. This can include making sure that the phone is readily accessible. Life alert necklaces are especially helpful for elderly people who are often unaccompanied.

Learn How to Reduce Fall-Related Injuries

Learning how to reduce fall-related injuries can help you better prepare to care for your parents in their old age. If you adopt the charge of caring for your parents, you must take the necessary precautions.

If you are unwilling to make these home and life adjustments you are perhaps better off connecting with experts. Connect with us to learn more about retirement and assisted living facilities for your parents.